Sabinne Charles

Hope – 
star in the skies.

Expectation – 
rocket and star in the skies.

Faith – 
sky full of stars.

Certainty – 
sun shining.
Maoilios Caimbeul/Myles Campbell is a poet,novelist and teacher working mainly Scottish
Gaelic and living on Skye. The author was born in Staffin, and he served with the 
Merchant navy and then studied Celtic and history at the University of Edinburgh,
graduating in 1976
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Even though this poem is very short it shows how these four words "Hope, Expectation, Faith, and Certainty" all relate to the universe around us. Referring to hope as the stars in the sky, inferring that you are possibly filled with hope and have many dreams. Expectation being the rocket, as you shoot to reach your goals in life. And having faith, which is a sky full of stars, and certainty being the shining sun, resembling your knowledge on your goals and dreams.


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