Tyler Torres

Happiness is achieved walking thus

Happiness is achieved for you, walking
Thus, on the edge of a knife blade
To our eyes you are a wavering gleam,
Afoot, tense ice that fractures;
So who loves you most cannot touch you.
If you come spirits invaded
With sadness and brighten them, your morning
Is sweet and troubled like the best on high.
But nothing compensates for the cry of the child
Whose ball is on flight among the houses

Website this came from http://poetsofmodernity.xyz/POMBR/Italian/Montale.htm#anchor_Toc326745983

Eugenio Montale was born on October 12, 1896 at Genoa.
He studied literature at the University of Genoa.
In 1927 he moved to Florence to work for a publishing house
He was the director of the Gabinetto Vieusseux from 1929 to 1938.
The subject of Montales poetry is the human condition.

What I think the poem Happiness is achieved walking thus by Eugenio Montale means is that happiness is not just some easy emotion to get, you have to go through different obstacles in life to achieve true happiness. The speaker of this poem, Eugenio Montale was very successful, he went to a university, he was top of the Gabinetto Vieusseux Library in Florence. Montale wrote his poems in a human condition kind of way, he wanted to express what any other human would express. In the poem Happiness is achieved walking thus, uses many figurative language. In line one and two “Happiness is achieved for you walking thus, on the edge of a knife blade” the speaker is saying how getting happiness won’t ever be easy, you have to walk through different obstacles, like the edge of a knife blade. In lines nine and ten “But nothing compensates for the cry of the child whose ball is on flight among the houses” the speaker is saying that for a child so young losing something that they love so much will be difficult to get back. In the poem I feel as if the tone is sad, and depressing, he talks about wanting to be happy but the only way to get there for him is to go through tough and difficult obstacles. In conclusion the theme of the poem is that happiness is difficult to achieve in life.


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