Jayla Mercer

 For peace
Let there be peace.
Let there be peace.
The sound of Fauré's Requiem
provokes tears even in sunlight.
Winter sunshine
stretching across the frozen plains,
together with all her children:
ah, Mother of Mercies!

Let there be peace.
Let there be ever more peace.
At the sound of the Requiem's music
offered for the dead,
the icy cold of the living is covered and warmed
so that truly truly
the living,
those whose lives are done,
and even those who have yet to live,
are all united in one sisterhood of souls.

Let there be peace.

By: Kim Namjo (South Korea) http://anthony.sogang.ac.kr/Kimnamjo.htm

Hand, South Korea, Flag, National, Pride  The image represents the ethnicity of the author and how their idea of peace involves a wider variety of people outside of Korea/Asia.

  • In 1951, graduated from Seoul National University College of Education with a degree in Korean Language Education.
  • Work inspiration is based on the tradition of Mo Yunsuk and Noh Cheomyeong
  • She was Catholic and often wrote about love in different forms
  • She wrote poems based on religion
  • Her debut poem collection was in 1950
The poem is about the transition from chaos to peace. The poem talks about wanting peace to be a global influence. The identity of the speaker is a person who feels passionately about peace being widespread. The speaker is also a person who wants peace to affect multiple generations. An example of figurative language is when the author says, "Winter sunshine stretching across the frozen plains,
together with all her children: ah, Mother of Mercies!" This quote shows Winter sunshine, and all of her children, having mercy towards those who have yet to obtain peace. Another example is how the author uses irony and symbolism when she describes the "icy cold of the living". The devices used represent the harshness of humanity without/before peace. The stanza division shows a more peaceful and new beginning in the first half, and the second half is a darker side of peace. The tone of the poem is wanting a strong positive influence from peace. The author believes that peace can warm the negatives influences that already exist. Peace would be capable of bringing many people together. The theme is all negative influences can be conquered with peace.


  1. I agree that the poem talks about wanting peace to be a influence. Personally I saw it as more of a calling out from freedom in a specific region. I also think the speaker wants those who were not free or suffered during their life time to be free spiritually. I think the poem is wishing for a transition from being enslaved mentally to allowing souls and minds to be at peace. The speaker wants the worries and mental disabilities to be erased from our minds.

  2. I agree with the poem stating that peace should be a global influence, which I find is true. I also find it very inspiring that the author wants younger generations to read his word, and spread peace. Hopefully the human race can get to that point where we would not have to use violence to solve problems.


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