Gregory Sargalis

Spring by Yun Dong-ju

Spring runs within blood vessels like a stream,
and on the bank near a stream
forsythias, azaleas, and yellow cabbage flowers

I, who have endured winter,
sprout like grass

Joyful robin,
fly up from any furrow

The blue sky
glistens high above

Image result for field of flowers

Biographical information:
Yun Dong-ju was born in Myeongdongchon of north Gando in Manchuria.  He majored in liberal arts at Yeonhui technical school.  In 1938 he published "Shoot at the Moon" in the chosen Ilbo.  He was later arrested with his friend Song Mong-gyu for being a suspect in criminal activity.  In February of 1945 he mysteriously died in prison at the age of 27.


Yun describes spring as if it is a living thing and life runs through its veins.  By overcoming winter, one is exposed to the beauty of life and creation in spring.  Yun was merely a man and only lived a short 27 years.  Despite this he became and exceptional person and well established poet.  Yun uses figurative language to help the reader imagine a scene and create an image in their mind.  Yun says, "The blue sky glisttens high above," and unless you don't understand english very well, I would assume that when you read that you saw a bright blue sky.  Yun also says, "Spring runs within blood vessels like a stream" which is a simile that gets you to understand that nature is alive.  To convey the bright mood and happiness even more, he says "Joyful robin," hinting that the robin is indeed joyful through personification.  The tone of the poem is very jubilant.  As the scenary is bright and happy conveying that spring itself is happy.  While he mentioned winter, he was focusing on the great outcome winter brings and how it is a gateway for new and beautiful life.  The theme of this poem is, no matter what bad things may happen, something good can come out of it.


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