Calise Kerr - Poetry Blog Project

While Yet These Tears - Poem by Louise Labe

While yet these tears have power to flow
For hours for ever past away;
While yet these swelling sighs allow
My faltering voice to breathe a lay;
While yet my hand can touch the chords,
My tender lute, to wake thy tone;
While yet my mind no thought affords,
But one remembered dream alone,
I ask not death, whate'er my state:
But when my eyes can weep no more,
My voice is lost, my hand untrue.
And when my spirit's fire is o'er,
Nor can express the love it knew,
Come, Death, and cast thy shadows o'er my fate!
Image result for blue broken heart in rainThe rained heart, as I call it, represents this poem in my opinion. The blue heart represents a cold hart that has gone through something and the rain around it represents the tear the person who carries the heart shed. Louise Labe was a celebrated and well-known poet during the French Renaissance Period. She was born in the early 1520's. Her family were wealthy and owed a successful rope making business. Her mother died shortly after her birth, but Louise's life was filled with success. In my opinion this poem speaks of a broken heart and how the person deals with her problem. When the narrator speaks of tears and says they have power to flow, I thought about how the narrator could be depressed, and how maybe the broken heart is to much to handle. I think the speaker could be Louise Labe because she lost her mother before she even knew her and if I were in that situation I would have a broken heart as well. In the poem she speaks of death and she says "come death, and cast thy shadows o'er my fate!" So she feels her fate is to die, but not yet. In this poem the author personifies her voice when she says, " My voice is lost...", because she says it as if the voice is lost in a physical place. The author used an AB rhyme scheme. In my opinion she used this type of rhymes scheme to show her connection with her broken heart.The tone of the poem is very depressing, because she frequently talked of death. also when she talked of her tears I felt a sad tone. The poem did not ever give me a happy tone. The theme of this poem was to not willow in your sadness, because if you do it could take over your whole body.


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