Belechew Lemons

What the evangelist should have said

An American evangelist, preaching salvation,
said it was like being on one side of a river, Jesus
on the other, arms long as forever reaching
to lift you over. But we only knew hope river,
sally waters river - only knew rambling brooks
running through the cane as river, a thing
you could jump over, or make a way across
on stones. We had no imagination of Mississippi
or Delaware, rivers so wide they held ships.
A saviour with magic arms was pointless.
What the evangelist should have said, was:
is like when de river come down just like suh
and you find yuself at de bottom,
slow breathin unda de surface, speakin
in bubbles, growin accustomed to fish
and deep and dark and forever - salvation
is de man with arms like a tractor
who reach in fi pull you out of de river,
press the flat of him hands against your belly
and push the river out of you.

Image result for jamaican flag

-The Arthur did not want to be converted to christian life.
-He was trying to be convinced at a young age by being told that Jesus is on the other side of the river he was on.


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