Arlette Orozco


I did not have this face of today
So calm
So sad
So thin.

Nor these eyes so empty
Nor this bitter mouth.

I did not have these strengthless hands
So still
And cold
And dead.
I did not realize this change
So simple
So certain

So easy.

In what mirror did I lose my face?
Image: The image is a guy looking at himself in the mirror with just a dull look. This shows the uneasiness of the guy and his appearances.
Biographical Info:
Cecilia Meireles was an important poet in the Brazilian Modernism. She is known for nationalistic vanguardism.  She preferred symbolism and traditional forms for her poetry. Her poetry remained intensely personal. She was a key figure in the spiritual and transcended magazine Festa even though she never emphasized her religious or social stands. At the age of 3 was orphaned and then her grandmother raised her. 

The poem is about the character knowing their change of appearance. The character just doesn't know which one is the real her/him. The speaker is someone of any age going through a hard time figuring out who they really are. Most likely a teen because during the teenage years to young adults is the time someone really knows who they are. "Nor these eyes so empty"; this quotation shows that the characters eyes aren't full (a.k.a full of life).  This hyperbole is used to exaggerate the characters dull eyes. "I did not have these strengthless hands so still and cold and dead"; this quotation explains that the hands are weak. The symbolization is the hands being so weak and still that they don't do anything anymore; that the characters life is lifeless. There is a stanza division to show there isn't unity but rather troubling. There is also enjambment to keep the reader to read more and become more interested in the poem but also to show another way of disunity by separating lines. The tone of the poem is sincere and thoughtful. I chose sincere because the poet not only does this poem to apply to her but to others too, and to show everyone that they aren't alone in their problems. I also chose thoughtful because the poet may have also written it on a serious note to show others that someone can be facing depression or other problems so someone should help them. The theme is that appearances will make you question who you really



  1. Overall i really liked the poem and interpreted the poem just like you did. I loved your point of view on how it would be a teenager going through this because it is so true how teens feel like this. But anybody could honestly relate to this poem easily because generally it takes a whole lifetime to find out who you are entirely. I agree with your theme and how ones appearance can make you question who you are. Though i like your point of view i disagree with the tone because i received it more as someone who feels lonely but isn't trying to relate to the reader and make them feel like they aren't alone. I think the speakers intention was to just speak their mind because they felt alone.


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