Amaurah Smallwood

When I am singing to you,
on earth all evil ends:
as smooth as your forehead
are the gulch and the bramble.
When I am singing to you
for me all cruel things end:
as gentle as your eyelids,
the lion and the jackal. 
Sunset, Sky, Clouds, Abendstimmung, Afterglow
    The image that complements my poem can be found at .
This image connects to my poem because it follows the peaceful tone the narrator feels when referring to "you"
The image shows still waters which represent a sense of peace. The setting sun also shows the end of a long 
day when the world can be at peace.
Gabriela Mistral was born in Vincuna, Chile. She was the daughter of a poet.Gabriela began writing poetry as a 
village school teacher shortly after romance with a railway employee who committed suicide. Gabriela taught 
elementary school for several years until her poetry made her famous. She eventually became a published author.
Gabriela Mistral was a lay member of the Francism order and this Catholic faith and belif in the afterlife, influenced 
her poety.

In a short paraphrase the poem says, when I am speaking with you all negativity ends. You bring peace to me.
The speaker is most likely someone who has been through a lot of hurt. The speaker is talking to a lover and telling 
them how they take the negativity out of their life.
The figurative language is used to express the way the speaker feels about their lover. The figurative language 
also adds delicacy to the evil the speaker refers to. The speaker says, "as smooth as your forehead
are the gulch and the bramble". This quote uses a simile to compare the smoothness of the lovers forehead to gulch and bramble to emphasize how the person makes the speaker feel. The speaker also uses a simile to express the gentle side of the lover in comparison to a lion.
The tone expressed in this poem is most definitely loving. The speaker has so much love for their lover that they make everything better for them. The lover takes away the evil and only brings positive impacts to the speakers life.
The person you truely love can cause all negativity to exit your life.


  1. I agree with the paraphrase portion since it explains how the speaker is talking to their lover.
    Also the tone analysis makes sense. Since that I couldn't really think of another tone that best fits this poem. The figurative language portion of the analysis was very well detailed and not to long.
    They did a very good job on analyzing this poem.

  2. I agree with the tone expressed in this poem and how you described it, stating how the speaker has so much love for their other, and I find it true how your significant other can block out many other negative things going on in your life, and make your life feel almost like a fantasy.


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